Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh Boy - Here we go!

Well you are always learning something new when working in a library environment. This can be quite exciting and daunting at the same time. It is a MUST though to keep up with the times, as they say, as that is what our job is all about. So here first Blog...

I have worked in Public Libraries all my working life. I have had a ball and made so many great friends along the way. My first job was with Mosman Council, then Warringah Council, then Pittwater, Hornsby and now with the beautiful Wingecarribbe Shire Council in the Southern Highlands. This place is paradise. Our borrowers are absolutely wonderful (well most of them anyway) and the staff have become like family. I love the climate, flora and fauna, the landscape and the friendliness this place has to offer. Halfway between Sydney and Canberra - how perfect.

I wonder if anyone else "out there" loves the area they live or work in as much as I do?

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Nice that you love where you live and work. Keep going with the program, perhaps upload a photograph through Flikr?
